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“I know the law and how to identify issues imperative to every family law case I take on – efficiently and effectively. Period.” – Robert G. Smith

SB Testimonial

To Whom It May Concern

I recommend Robert Smith as a trial lawyer and family law expert without reservation.

I work hard. I am well educated; and I have published successful books in my field.

No much how much money I made, my wife spent money like it was water.

I begged her to relocate outside New York City, where our kids could attend public school and I could work less than 16 hours a day to “keep up with the Joneses”. She refused and we wound up in divorce court in New York City.

I think that my wife wanted to spend the rest of her life dragging out the divorce trial. Mr. Smith pushed the case to an early trial. On the eve of trial, my wife abruptly fired her first lawyer. Her second lawyer tried to get an appellate court to stay the trial. Mr. Smith defeated that effort.

At the divorce trial my wife’s lawyer spent three days trying to hurl attacks and to accuse me of income tax evasion. My wife then took the witness stand to accuse me of abandoning the family. It looked to me like a classic case of “he said/ she said.” I couldn’t see how the Court could figure out the truth.

Mr. Smith then got up to cross-examine my wife. In 20 minutes he deflated my wife’s entire case. The court’s decision after trial, I am happy to say, was fair, nowhere near the astronomic sums that my wife was seeking and very favorable to me.

I am very satisfied with the professionalism and results achieved for me by Robert Smith.

I recommend him without reservation.

Very truly yours,


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