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“I know the law and how to identify issues imperative to every family law case I take on – efficiently and effectively. Period.” – Robert G. Smith

JH Testimonial

To Whom It May Concern:

Robert Smith saved my three kids.

I’m a good father, and my kids deserve the best.

My wife started carrying on outside the home as soon as she got an inheritance, and she served me with a divorce summons, to get me out of our house and surrender custody of our three kids, then ages 5 through 11.

I’ll never forget the day my first lawyer told me that a father can’t get custody in New York, and I couldn’t afford that fight anyway. I just couldn’t believe that was true.

A friend at work recommended Mr. Smith. It wasn’t easy. Mr. Smith turned my case around in three months, and he got me temporary custody of my kids. He guided me through the court process, and the process of a forensic mental health examination of the children and me by the court appointed psychiatrist. We eventually had to persevere through two full-blown mental health evaluations, a child custody trial and a lost of nasty allegations directed at both of us. Mr. Smith fought for me in court for three years and he personally tried the case. For the trial Mr. Smith prepared my testimony. He served the necessary subpoenas; and he examined all of the witnesses with surgical precision. In short, Mr. Smith guided me all the way, and he never let me down.

My ex-wife refused to pay child support and we also had to sue her for that. Two judges made my ex-wife cough up the child support arrears under penalty of incarceration.

I’ve had custody for ten years now. My oldest child is a successful college graduate. My second is an honors student. And the baby is in technical school.

I recommend Mr. Smith without reservation.

Very truly yours,


The Advocacy You Need

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