New York High-Stakes Family Law Blog
What Is Spousal Maintenance?
Spousal maintenance is also known as alimony. It is a payment of some type made from one spouse to the other to provide support after a divorce. Spousal support is a means to ensure that parties leave the marriage on fair financial footing without one spouse leaving the other in a bad situation. Not every...
[ Read More ]Could Separation of Liability Relief Help You?
When you divorce, you have to split all assets and debts. Debts include any taxes you may owe. But in some cases, you may not feel you should be responsible for tax debts. If the court orders you to pay anyway, you may be able to seek separation of liability relief from the IRS. What...
[ Read More ]Who Keeps the Engagement Ring After a Breakup or Divorce?
Whether you are asking your fiancé to marry you or are on the receiving end of a beautiful diamond engagement ring, the underlying intent in giving an engagement ring to your partner is that the relationship will last forever. Sometimes it does, but sometimes it does not. Is This Merely an Etiquette Issue? The issue...
[ Read More ]Passport Revocation and Denial Over Back Child Support
If you owe child support, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the consequences you could face for falling behind and do everything you can to stay current. Some non-custodial parents owing support do not realize the wide range of penalties that can come up when child support is not paid, and back...
[ Read More ]How Can You Deal with a Manipulative Co-parent?
When you notice your ex-spouse continually lying and using manipulative tactics to get his or her way, then you may worry that there is no effective method to solving this problem. Learning about how manipulation works and how to deal with it can help you as you co-parent your children. Let the Small Issues Go...
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