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“I know the law and how to identify issues imperative to every family law case I take on – efficiently and effectively. Period.” – Robert G. Smith

MM Testimonial

To Whom It May Concern:

Today I have a terrific relationship with my twins. It wasn’t always that way.

Their mother fled thousands of miles to prevent my involvement, starting when she discovered that she was pregnant. She fled two states in the middle of the night. I eventually tracked her down in New York City, and settled here to be near my children. The mother then tried to double dip on my child support payments, and prevent my visitation. In the New York Family Court Mr. Smith was aggressive, but professional, and very successful.

The mother then accused me of excessive corporal punishment because of a bruise on our son, who has special needs, that he got at her home before my visitation. I was arrested. I spent a night in jail. My case was tried before a jury. Mr. Smith was there for me at the jail, and he guided me through that criminal court process too. Mr. Smith prepared me for the criminal trial, and he personally tried it for me before a jury. He cross examined the mother with surgical skill. Following Mr. Smith’s summation to the jury I was acquitted in a New York minute. Then Mr. Smith defeated the child welfare authorities, who had tried to cut off my visitation because of the same allegation by the mother.

The mother ‘s next stunt was to try to relocate four thousand miles away with my children. Mr. Smith obtained an injunction from the Court and prevented the move.

I am very grateful that for the past six (6) years I have had Mr. Smith as my attorney. His fees are reasonable. And in my opinion the mother’s knowledge that Mr. Smith will be there for me and has prevented further problems from her.

In summary, I am very satisfied with the professionalism and results achieved for me by Robert Smith. I recommend him without reservation.

Very truly yours,


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